Giving nature a helping hand: Despite more than 30 years of research, we still don’t fully understand how nature stores carbon in trees and soil. The Carbon Community’s new Glandwr Forest, different nature-based solutions are being tested at scale across a 28-acre site with more than 25,000 trees. This is one of the largest carbon sequestration trials globally which blends trees, science and people to learn how to maximize carbon storage in trees and soil.
Teamwork: Planting more than 25,000 trees in 72 trial plots, each testing different nature-based solutions to maximize carbon sequestration, required incredible teamwork and a diverse group of people coming together. This includes government civil servants, planners, foresters, environmental scientists, local volunteers, tree nurseries, neighbours, students and even the local quarry. All of these people have given time and in turn have been touched by the magic of science and nature in ways they will never forget.
A reforested future: In years gone by all this land would have been covered by forests. Trees are nature’s own mechanism for regulating the carbon cycle and the best way to recover excess CO2 from the air. We need to reforest at scale so that once again these lands are covered in trees providing beautiful landscapes, places for us to visit, protection from floods, support for biodiversity and to restore our planet to its former glory.